Credico pledges to nurture inclusion and diversity in the workplace by partnering with okusoka + Co

March 2021

okusoka + Co was appointed by Credico in 2020 to support their UK business and partners on the development of inclusion and diversity. In this article, they share their learnings from their ongoing journey.

Global firm Credico shares their key learnings as they enhance their Diversity and Inclusion policies to inspire more organizations to challenge outdated practices.

Credico understands the true value of operating a diverse team; the global firm has committed to enhancing its Diversity and Inclusion policies. Brands that demonstrate openness to diversity will attract and engage talent effectively. It leads to enhanced creativity, innovation, reputation and engagement performance.

Credico has partnered with an external business to achieve its goals. Founded by David Mbaziira, okusoka + Co. is a consultancy that partners with organizations, supporting their journey in aligning their values and their people to drive business growth. Working with okusoka + Co has provided Credico with the opportunity to educate their workforce and promote new policies surrounding diversity and inclusion within the organization. Credico shares its learnings on how to nurture diversity and inclusion in the workplace.

Educate Managers About Inclusion At The Workplace

Managers should always exercise best practices and promote the organization's core values. Identifying as a key person of influence within an organization, Managers should encourage inclusion in the workplace. They should receive education and training, supporting their efforts to bridge potential gaps between employees and management.

Credico recommends partnering with experts in this field and providing access to diversity workshops and cultural training that will end unconscious bias through education on the importance of inclusion. Credico believes businesses would benefit from a third party conducting a comprehensive evaluation of the workplace.

Reworking company policies and creating an inclusive workplace culture

The way to build an inclusive culture is to assess and rework company policies; new policies will be required in some instances. Performance management and recruitment policies are likely to require modernizing. "Companies dedicated to cultivating an inclusive culture would benefit from adapting their hiring processes to include capturing candidates from community outreach programs, job fairs and agencies. This will guarantee a variety of diverse talents. I am firm in my belief that salary packages should be determined by job title and skillset alone. It's disappointing to hear the pay gaps are still evident in 2021; race, gender and sexual orientation should play no part when determining salaries. There is no place for such inequality at Credico and I’m proud that our Organisation has always been built on the foundation of being a true meritocracy, whereby anyone can truly succeed no matter their race, background or sex and I really do feel that this is key now more than ever." stated Debbie Shaw, Financial Operations and Events Manager, Credico United Kingdom.

Communicate Inclusion Goals And Measure Progress

While creating inclusive workplace policies is a great start for businesses looking to do better in 2021. At Credico, they understand that it will have little or no impact on employee experience if those policies and expectations aren't shared companywide. When communicating policies, there should be exact steps outlined for employees to follow should they need to raise an issue or voice a concern, which is why we have also introduced a “Whistleblowing” platform for any employee, contractor or consultants of Credico to report any issues (anonymously if preferred) and these will be dealt with immediately.

Credico recommends companies offering regular opportunities to give employee experience feedback; not everyone is confident speaking up about ongoing discrimination in the workplace; this channel could provide anonymity. Drafting in a diversity panel will further support efforts to remove any unconscious bias.

Celebrate Differences To Ensure Everyone Feels Included

What is a better way to welcome cultural differences into an organization than to share in the celebrations? Credico is confident companies who recognize and celebrate days of significance to communities goes a long way in dissolving boundaries, providing education and building positive relationships in the workplace. Where possible, company publications should reflect opinions, beliefs and experiences of prejudice to ensure opportunities to learn are open to everyone in the company.

Early Introduction To Inclusion (At Onboarding!)

When senior management communicates the company values during onboarding, it's a perfect time to include inclusion policies. Credico suggests a company's values should be visible on all channels, including social media, interviews, websites and onboarding paperwork. When welcoming new team members, it is vital to communicate diversity and inclusion policies, measures if they face discrimination and outline the workplace's zero-tolerance stance. Every new hire should feel safe in their workplace and observe all genders, races, disabilities, and cultures being welcomed.

Credico has scheduled assessments to guarantee they practice, endorse and support a diverse and inclusive culture. The firm has implemented sessions to educate and support awareness of diversity and inclusion in the workplace. Credico is proud to share that all company policies and onboarding processes are updated to demonstrate its commitment to ensuring all its employees enjoy working at Credico.


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The creativity conundrum?

We need to consider the process and conditions for fostering creativity, because not everyone can turn creativity on an off like a tap. If someone works in a command and control or hierarchical environment don’t be surprised when the anything goes ‘creative’ session doesn’t deliver the goods.


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At okusoka + co we co-create organisational cultures that are truly inclusive and work for all.

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